
Episode 36: Jack Parsons about the importance of youth (PART 1)

Jack Parsons about the importance of youth

Written by Alan Walker

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We decided to do something a little different. We’ve made a two-part podcast episode as the topic was just that interesting!

When we decided to do this specific topic, co-host Jeremy Russon threw himself into research to find out everything there was to know about youths.

What he found was extremely broad, it changed definition based on where he looked.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines youth as the period between childhood and adult age.

While the United Nations class it as anybody aged between 15to24, The Princes Trust between 13to30 and The Wellcome Trust between 16to30.

But what we really want to highlight with this episode is the reason why these groups, however you define them, should be front and centre when it comes to opportunity and support. What are the biggest challenges they are facing and what we, as a part of the HR industry, can do more to help.

Who better to ask about this topic then Jack Parsons founder and CEO of YouthGroup.

Jack Parsons is in his 20’s, he loves dogs with all his heart and believes being kind is one of the most powerful traits you can have in business. His personal mission is to knock down doors for others to walk through after having a tough upbringing himself and lack of any career support from his school.



[4:24] Who is Jack Parsons

[8:00] Tell us about YouthGroup

[9:40] Do you work independently or aside other organisations?

[11:06] Tell us about a program or individual success that you are particularly proud of

[13:15] Is there a specific youth demographic that needs more support

[16:58] The ‘Black Lives Matter’ campaign

[19:27] Salesforce’s commitment to BLM

[21:24] Which sectors that aid the youth demographic better? And which sectors should we be focusing on

[23:20] If you focus on everything, you focus on nothing

[25:05] Choosing the youth audience

[29:02] Partnering with recruitment agencies

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