5 minutes with… Theo Smith about Neurodiversity & Inclusion

Written by Alan Walker

Hi! I'm the Editor in Chief of #ChatTalent. That sounds grand, but really my job is just to make sure you get good content - be that blogs, webinars, live broadcasts, or anything else to do with talent. If that isn't the case, let me know.

We are back with another #ChatTalent5MinutesWith, this time a 3 part series all about Neurodiversity & Inclusion. And who better to join me than Theo Smith, Zinc brands new VP of Customer Acquisition. 

In each episode, I try to focus on something different, but episode 1 will always be about the basics.

Who is Theo, what does his day to day look like and why he is so passionate about this topic?

With many companies banging on the ‘diversity and inclusion drum’, is technology actually enabling this process or is it making things even harder?

Theo believes that we need to analyse technology as a whole. How it supports each individual. But not make the assumption that technology is the only answer.

Clearly, it’s obvious that not one man can change the world (as much as Theo definitely does try). We all need to make changes to be better, to be more neurodiversity aware and ultimately more inclusive.

So in episode 2, I ask what is the biggest challenge that is stopping us from making that change. What can we do to be advocates for diversity??

In episode 3, we narrowed down even further and looked at what steps we, as recruiters, can we take to eliminate bias and ultimately be more inclusive.

Theo highlighted some really easy solutions which I believe all of us can implement, almost straight away.

Simple things like providing the interview questions beforehand and giving extra time on a test. Can really make significant improvements to the process.

Ok! Yes… we know a few of these episodes are a tad longer than 5minutes… But it was just that interesting filled with some great tips! I am sure you agree.

I think the main take away from these three episodes is simple.

Everyone should be included.

And as a society, we need to broaden our thinking. Accept that neurodiversity really does impact all of us.

Have you liked this mini ‘5 minutes with’ series? Who do you think should be our next guest? Leave us a comment or send us an email.

Let’s keep chatting!

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