Dyslexia as a Superpower

Written by Theo Smith

Theo is a Welsh Wizard. After leaving his Celtic land he set out on a journey to help organisations attract more talent. This has included global executive search, RPO, in-house and recruitment marketing. He now talks on a wide variety of recruitment related subjects. He is also the podcast host for Neurodiversity – Eliminating Kryptonite & Enabling Superheroes

This week is National Dyslexia Awareness Week. It’s also National Dyspraxia week and the month where we raise awareness about ADHD and other neurodiverse superpowers.

Today I wanted to specifically share something with you on Dyslexia and why I believe as well as others, that dyslexia is a superpower at work, if given the opportunity.

The funding is not there anymore for our children and the academic structure is not created in a way that is sympathetic to those who think and act differently.

I fear those children who don’t have access to the required support needed or have parents who lack the confidence to positively challenge their school, will get lost in the system.

So this is my way of raising the profile of Neurodiversity in all it’s forms to help shift the dial on this important subject.

As part of my work in this area, I recently visited the new Linkedin offices in London and met with Clare Corrie Account Director and a Dyslexic Superhero.

I interviewed Clare as part of my new podcast ‘Neurodiversity at Work’ on why she thinks her dyslexia is a superpower and her personal story is amazing.

In the build up to this podcast I also spoke with Clare’s manager Chris and he had this to say:

‘Clare is a consistent high performer at Linkedin… and in my view it’s to do with a lot of the areas around her dyslexia.

Her verbal, oral communication is outstanding 

Her drive, tenacity and ambition is something that contributes to her being a world class sales professional.

I think it stems from her dyslexia’

I’ve attached a one min video where I catch up with Clare’s boss Chris:

If you’d like to tune in to listen to the podcast interview with Clare you can find it here:


It’s also available for download on all good podcasting hosts.

Hope you enjoy 🙂

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